Vegetarian Recipes – Part 3

More delicious vegetarian recipes that you can try at home!

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

download (74)1 1/2 pounds Brussels sprouts, ends trimmed and yellow leaves removed
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).

Place trimmed Brussels sprouts, olive oil, kosher salt, and pepper in a large resealable plastic bag. Seal tightly, and shake to coat. Pour onto a baking sheet, and place on center oven rack.

Roast in the preheated oven for 30 to 45 minutes, shaking pan every 5 to 7 minutes for even browning. Reduce heat when necessary to prevent burning. Brussels sprouts should be darkest brown, almost black, when done. Adjust seasoning with kosher salt, if necessary. Serve immediately.

Garlic Soup

download (75)3 T olive oil
large red onion, diced
6 green onions, chopped
11 cloves garlic, minced
6 thick slices of stale (or toasted) French bread, ground into crumbs
2/3 c milk
5 c vegetable stock*
1 t miso
1 t salt
12 oz evaporated milk

Heat olive oil over medium heat, add onions and 10 cloves of garlic, and sauté until soft, about 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, combine bread crumbs and milk and mix well. Add to garlic along with stock and miso, lower heat, and simmer for 15 minutes. Add salt and the remaining clove of garlic and simmer another 15 minutes. Carefully transfer to blender and purée (you may need to do this in batches).

Return to pot, stir in evaporated milk, and heat through (don’t boil). Ladle into bowls, garnish with fresh parsley, and serve.

download (76)Moroccan Chickpea Soup

2 T olive oil
2 carrots, diced
¾ c onion, minced
½ c red bell pepper, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
¾ t cumin
15 oz chickpeas, soaked and cooked or canned, drained, and rinsed
3 c vegetable stock
2 T lemon juice
2 t fresh thyme, minced
½ t ground pepper
¼ t turmeric
dash cayenne pepper
1 T parsley, minced
cracked black pepper

Heat oil over medium heat. Sauté carrots, onion, bell pepper, and garlic, stirring occasionally, until just starting to become tender, about 6 minutes.

Meanwhile, place chickpeas, 1 c stock, and lemon juice in blender and purée until smooth.

Add cumin to vegetables and stir for 30 seconds, then add chickpea purée, remaining stock, thyme, ground pepper, turmeric, and cayenne. Increase to high heat, bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover, and simmer until carrots are tender, about 10 minutes. Add parsley, taste, and adjust seasonings.

Ladle into bowls and garnish, cracked pepper, and a parsley sprig.

download (77)Sun-Dried Tomato Bread

3 c unbleached flour
3 T sugar
1 T + ¾ t baking powder
12 oz cold beer
¼ c oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes, drained and chopped
2 T sun-dried tomato oil

Preheat oven to 350. Lightly oil bread pan and set aside.

Combine flour, sugar, and baking powder, then thoroughly mix in beer and tomatoes. Spread into bread pan and bake 30 minutes.

Remove from oven and cut 4 or 5 deep gashes in the bread, going down to about an inch of the bottom. Brush the oil slowly and evenly over the top of the bread and bake another 10 minutes, until brown.

Remove from oven and let stand for 10 minutes, then remove from the pan and serve warm. Otherwise, let it cool, place in a freezer bag, and freeze for up to a month.

download (78)Eggplant Zucchini Gratin

medium eggplant
½ c breadcrumbs or equivalent slightly stale bread
2 cloves garlic
2 T parsley
1 t olive oil
4 oz cream cheese
1 c ricotta cheese
1 egg
2 t cornstarch or flour
½ c milk
medium zucchini, sliced
1½ c tomato sauce
2 oz feta cheese, crumbled
2 oz Parmesan cheese, grated

Thinly slice the eggplant, lightly salt both sides of each piece, and lay out on the cookie sheets. Let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse the salt off each piece, setting each in the colander after it’s rinsed.

Preheat oven to 375. Wash and dry one of the cookie sheets, then oil it. Pat each eggplant slice dry, and spread out on the cookie sheet (it’s ok if they overlap). Cover with foil and bake for 15 minutes, until softened. Remove foil and set aside.

Place breadcrumbs, garlic, parsley, and oil in the food processor and process until minced and well blended.

Transfer to a small bowl and set aside.

Place cream cheese, ricotta, egg, cornstarch, and a couple tablespoons of milk in the processor and blend. Scrape down the side, then start processing again as you gradually add the rest of the milk.

Season with nutmeg, salt, and pepper.

Oil the baking dish, and place eggplant in the bottom. Top with tomato sauce, then the zucchini. Spread the custard on top, then sprinkle with feta, then Parmesan, then bread crumbs.

Bake about 30 minutes, until golden brown. Let sit for a couple of minutes before slicing.

download (80)Greek Lasagna

4-6 artichokes, trimmed
1 eggplant, cubed
2 T olive oil
large red onion, chopped
2 carrots, diced
1 c tomato sauce
salt and pepper
8 oz lasagna noodles
3 c chickpeas, soaked and cooked or canned
3 cloves garlic
2 T cornstarch
1/3 c parsley
1½ c vegetable stock
½ c dry white wine
1 T tomato paste
1 lemon
4 t flour
1 c bread crumbs

1. Boil a large pot of water over high heat. Add artichokes, bring to a boil, lower heat to medium, and simmer for 30-40 minutes, until tender and a tugged leaf comes off easily. Remove the leaves (reserve to eat separately) and choke so that you’re left with the artichoke hearts – set aside.

Meanwhile, bring water to boil in the steamer, add eggplant to basket, cover, and steam for about 6 minutes, until just tender. Set aside in a bowl.

Heat 1 T oil in frying pan over medium heat. Sauté the onion about 4 minutes, until translucent. Add carrots, cook 3 minutes, cover, slower heat, and cook for 5 more minutes.

Combine artichokes, eggplant, onion/carrot mixture, tomato sauce, salt, and pepper. Set aside.

2. Meanwhile, in the small saucepan, combine stock, wine, and tomato paste and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, half cover, and let simmer for 10 minutes.

Grate the lemon skin for zest and juice the lemons (discard seeds).

Heat remaining T olive oil in non-reactive saucepan and whisk in the flour. Cook for 2 minutes, then whisk in stock mixture, lemon juice, and lemon zest. Cook for 1 minute, whisking constantly.

3. Cook the lasagna noodles in boiling water.

4. Drain the chickpeas and reserve the liquid. Place chickpeas, garlic, and cornstarch in the food processor and process until smooth. Add enough liquid to make mixture creamy and spreadable – ¼-½ c or so. Add parsley and pulse until finely chopped.
Preheat oven to 375.

Put a few T of lemon sauce into baking dish and arrange a layer of noodles on top. Spread with half the vegetable filling and press it down lightly. Add another layer of noodles, then all of the chickpea purée, the remaining vegetable mixture, and another layer of noodles. Pour the rest of the lemon juice over the top and cover tightly with aluminum foil.

Bake until very hot, about 50-60 minutes. Uncover and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Turn the heat up to 500 and bake until bread crumbs are brown, 7-10 minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes, then serve.

download (81)Mushroom Strudel

1 pound mushrooms, chopped
1 c cream cheese, cut into pieces OR cottage cheese
1 c sour cream, yogurt, or a combination
1 t salt
black pepper
1 t dill
1 c bread crumbs
2 whole scallions, finely minced
¼ c parsley, minced
3 T lemon juice
10 sheets filo dough
3-4 T olive oil

Preheat the oven to 375°. Oil the baking sheet.
Cook the mushrooms over medium heat for 10 minutes. Drain and squeeze out all the liquid.

Place in bowl.

Add cream or cottage cheese, mix well, then add the remainder of the filling (except filo dough and olive oil).

Place a sheet of filo on clean, dry surface. Brush with oil, layer another sheet on top, brush with oil, and repeat until you have 5 sheets layered with oil
Place half of the filling along one side, fold in the edges, and roll. Carefully transfer to baking sheet and brush top with oil.

Repeat with remaining filo and filling, so that you end up with two rolls. Sprinkle top with optional seeds.

Bake 25-30 minutes, until golden brown and very crispy.

Cut with serrated knife and serve hot or warm.

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