Dealing With Emotions – Part 1

download (8)Emotions. We all have them and most of the time we don’t know what to do with them. But not dealing with our emotions leads many people into depression, anxiety, burnout and results in stress related physical conditions such as heart attack, stroke and immune mediated diseases. For all of the negative effects of not dealing with emotions it would seem that most of us would want to confront the negative things that are going on in our lives, but that’s just not the case.

Fortunately, however, we have a choice in what we do with what we feel. As we move from situation to situation in our life, we inevitably face personal and professional crises that make us feel inadequate and in danger of failure. These crises may, or may not, be dramatic but each may frighten us at the moment we face it. Many people do not want to feel what they are feeling because they are ashamed or guilty or just don’t like it.

For instance, you are not sure how it happened but all of a sudden you’re totally infatuated with your best friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend. Almost automatically you will try to suppress those feelings hoping that they’ll go away. Unfortunately, that’s just not the way it happens. The chances are very, very small that your feelings will just disappear. Instead, you will feel terrible about yourself and build up anxiety to the point where your body can exhibit stress related conditions.

Resources: Feelings How Do I Deal with my Anger?

ACT: Expressing my Emotions




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