Body Acne – Part 1

body acneAlthough acne is most often associated with the face, body acne can also affect the neck, back and remainder of the body. Body acne can have mild, moderate and severe forms like other forms of acne. Like facial acne, body acne develops when the ducts that lead from the oil glands to the surface of the skin are clogged providing a fertile environment for bacteria.

Body acne is common on the back, chest, shoulders, thighs and even buttocks of many people. This type of acne will also cause the sufferer emotional and psychological stress. Teens are often too embarrassed to go swimming or shower at school or the gym. Other teens make social decisions based on the exposure of their bodies to their friends. (1)

The sheer number of acne products that are on the market today can make shopping for the right one difficult and time consuming. Consumers have the options of purchasing body acne treatments from the drug store, department store and mail order companies. There are a number of different medications that are specific for body acne but most of those are available by prescription from a dermatologist.

Thankfully, body acne will often respond to medications that are available to treat facial acne. Remember though, no two sufferers are the same and your reaction to the medication may well be different from that of your cousin who told you about the treatment. You may have to do a bit of experimentation with products to find a medication that works best for your body acne and your skin type.

Trying different medications will often help you to find the right one only if you follow a couple of rules. First, you should give the medication at least 30 days test to see if there will be any improvement in your skin. If you see improvement you’ll want to wait another 30 days to see the total possible improvement.


(1) Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center: link Found Between Teens’ Stress Levels and Acne Severity

(2) Go Ask Alice Columbia University: BackAcne




Reduce the appearance of unsightly scars from:

  • Acne
  • Burns
  • Cuts, gashes and bruises
  • Surgery

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