Paleo Lunch Ideas

The Paleo Diet plan has many advocates and research to back up the ideas that it can help to improve your health, lose weight and reduce your risk of disease. However, the plan includes eating most foods that are as close to the way they are grown as possible, with little to no dairy. Sometimes this presents a problem when planning meals that must be carried to school or work, or finding foods that can be eaten outside the home.

On the other hand, making lunches at home and bringing them with you will reduce your costs, save you the time of searching for a place that caters to your needs and will allow you to decide what you’re eating today, and not just what’s on the menu. Your lunch should be more than salad, quick to make and easy to transport. That might be a tall order, even for someone not following the Paleo plan!

Here are just a couple of ideas that can get you over the hump of finding things in the kitchen that taste good, pack well and can be made quickly. You may also want to think about making lunch the night before or making a couple of days worth of lunch meals so you aren’t preparing everyday of the week.

Invest in plastic lunch containers that keep your foods together but separated in the refrigerator. This keeps the food smells and tastes from mixing and makes it easy to make lunch the night before.

1. Leftovers: The quintessential lunch at work is leftovers from the night before. Of course this idea had to make the list because it’s expected! But there are more.

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2. Wraps: No, tortilla wraps are not on the menu. Instead, consider other foods that you can wrap – like lettuce, bacon or sliced meats. It is more difficult to accomplish with fresh sliced turkey at home, but medium sliced turkey from the deli, wrapped around cheese, lettuce, mustard and tomato makes for a delicious lunchtime meal. Sliced into rounds and held with toothpicks, it’s also easy to eat.

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3. Apple and Peanut butter sandwich, cucumber and tomato sticks with a side of cold meatballs. It’s a combination of tastes that are easy to put together in the morning and sure to keep you satisfied at (39)

4. Chicken drumsticks, salad, cucumbers and a Paleo brownie will tempt your taste buds from salad to dessert, is easy to pull together from leftovers and your friends won’t even guess it’s Paleo!

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5. Deviled eggs wrapped in bacon, tossed salad, grapes and pumpkin bread offers variety, protein, fiber, nutrients and gives you something fun to look forward to at lunch.

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