A uterine fibroid is a growth that often appears in a woman during her childbearing years. This growth is benign and not connected to cancer. Because uterine fibroids do not cause one to exhibit any symptoms it goes undetected and a woman does not realize that she has them. They are often discovered quite by accident during a routine examination.
Uterine fibroids are extremely common and affect many women. They are generally not a cause for concern as they do not cause any disturbances in the body. Necessary treatment is rare, but if the uterine fibroids are bothersome they can be removed or reduced in size.
The symptoms of uterine fibroids are a heavier menstrual flow, bleeding between your periods, incontinence of urine, frequency, pain or pressure that is felt in the pelvic region, pains in the legs and/or back, and constipation. A sharp, more severe type pain would signal the need for emergency treatment.
Uterine fibroids are caused by a single cell that reproduces over and over again in the muscle tissue of the uterus. The result of this leaves a mass that is rubbery and firm in consistency and that appears differently then the other tissue that surrounds it. A uterine fibroid can be any size from the very tiny to the extreme mass and sometimes extending into the rib cage area.
What causes uterine fibroids is unclear, but the suspicions are hormones, genetic disturbances, and chemical differences. If other female family members suffer with them then the chances of you getting them are multiplied. Black women, especially younger black women are more prone to develop them and they tend to be larger in size than other races.
As well, current research is also leaning towards obese women in a higher risk level category. Some studies, although limited at this point, are suggesting that athletic women, women who use oral contraceptive, and women who have borne children are not as likely to develop uterine fibroids.
If any of the signs or symptoms stated above becomes an issue then medical advice should be sought out. Determination of a uterine fibroid is generally confirmed through an ultrasound although other diagnostic techniques are sometimes used. Treatment of uterine fibroids is done with simple monitoring, medications, and/or surgical techniques.
Your physician will monitor your uterine fibroids and discuss with you any necessary steps to take should he or she diagnose you with uterine fibroids. Only in rare instances is anything medically suggested to rid oneself of uterine fibroids. Your physician will inform you of any urgency in regards to treatment of your uterine fibroids and let you know if there is cause for alarm.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Uterine Fibroids
University of Michigan Health System: Abnormal Bleeding and Uterine Fibroids
University of California San Francisco: Fibroids Signs and symptoms
MayoClinic: Uterine Fibroids
WomensHealth.gov: Uterine Fibroids Fact Sheet
New York State Department of Health: Uterine Fibroids
PubMed Health: Uterine Fibroids
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