Eye Cream

download-6Did you know that the skin on your face is not the same as it is on the rest of your body? As we age facial skin requires a different set of products and care than does the skin over your abdomen or legs. The skin around your eyes is even more sensitive and prone to aging than any other part of your body. And, it is your eyes that often first tell the story of your age to those who you meet.

So, instead of just focusing attention to the wrinkles or acne we should also pay attention to the tender skin around the eyes that reflect damage and aging so easily. Lines, wrinkles, dark circles, sagging skin and puffiness all make us look tired and older than we really are. However, by choosing the right eye cream to nourish and support the cellular structure around the eye we can change that picture.

Eye cream formulas come as serums, gels, creams and lotions and should be chosen depending upon your skin type, color and age. Moisturizers that are produced for the rest of the face are also not ophthalmologist tested or formulated specifically to work around or near the eyes. They can cause irritation and damage to the eye itself as the creams migrate over the eyelashes and into the eye.

The skin around the eye is very delicate and susceptible to damage. Because of this you should never rub your eyes or pull the skin around the eyes outward toward the ears. Instead, to put on moisturizers and eye creams spread it toward the nose.

eyesBefore deciding which cream or lotion is the one for you there are several factors to consider. For instance, you must determine the problems that you might have and want to fix, the issues that your mother or father faced, or the prevention of issues that are important to you.

Puffiness, a common complaint of women and men, is often caused by fluid retention or allergies. The fluid that builds up around the eyes during the night is temporary and will drain out within an hour or so of rising. This fluid will be most severe during your allergy season, premenstrual period or during times of sinus problems. Try sleeping on your back and elevating your head a bit to reduce the amount of swelling you experience in the morning. If you have the time before work, cucumber slices, tea bags or cooling masks can also help to reduce the swelling.

When you are looking for the right cream don’t forget to think about protection from the elements during the daytime hours. Your eyelids should also have sun protection and cream that protects from the UV rays in the office lighting.

Remember that anyone age 20 and older should be using eye cream to protect the tender skin and provide a good basic structure to prevent wrinkles and lines. There are three basic types of eye cream that provide a variety of different functions. Daytime creams may help with depuffing, dark circles and provide sun screen. Night creams use AHA’s that might decrease the effectiveness of sun screen and Retinols that improve the appearance of the skin. Plain eye creams are more of a catch all that will provide extra moisture to the area.

Caution is in order when you put anything around your eye area. Don’t use the cream any further if you find the area becoming irritated or you feel any pain. These creams can also cause whiteheads or clog the pores more easily. If this happens then stop using this one and try another brand.

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