Quadriceps and Hamstring Strength Training

downloadQuadriceps and hamstring strength training are important aspects to many of today’s sporting activities such as running, cycling, skateboard, inline skating and even swimming.  But even without sporting activities, quadriceps and hamstring strength training will improve the function of the lower legs, reduce the risk of injury from daily activities and improve the general look of the lower leg in shorts and bathing suits.

You can also use quadriceps and hamstring strength training to decrease your risk of osteoporosis since weight bearing exercises over the long bones and back will decrease bone loss and reduce the risk of fracture at the hip and back.

As with any other exercise there are a couple of simple rules to keep you safe and working out to the best of your ability.  First, always get a medical check up before starting a new program.  Your doctor can help to assess your ability to participate in a new program and tell you any limitations you might have.  Second, never do weight lifting or strength training two days in a row or more than 3 days in a week.  Your muscles need time to recover so you don’t suffer from over training symptoms and you get the most benefit from the time you spend.  More isn’t always better.

images (7)In a research study performed at Queensland University, Australia and published February 2005, researchers found that Nordic hamstring exercise training produced favorable neuromuscular adaptations which will possibly prevent hamstring injuries. (1)

There are two choices to weight training or strength training – one is to use resistance machines and the other is to use free weights or resistance bands.  Both options will help you accomplish your task but with quadriceps and hamstring strength training your choices are different.  You can use resistance bands, resistance machines or your own weight.

Using strength training should balance your exercise routine that should include aerobic activities and flexibility exercises.  Using aerobic exercises such as running will make the muscles use oxygen more efficiently.  When you are strength training you are using the muscles to work against resistance, which increases muscle strength and endurance.

images (6)One hamstring strength training exercise is the hamstring curl.  You can use a resistance machine to accomplish this task or resistance bands at home.  Anchor the band against a firm stationary object, lie on your stomach and loop the band around your ankle.  Be sure the band will be in a straight line from ankle to anchor point.  Now curl your leg to contract your hamstring against resistance.  You can do 10 – 15 repetitions for 2 sets with rest between sets.

Another quadriceps and hamstring strength training exercise is the wall sit.  This is done without machinery.  Place your back against the wall and slide down moving your feet out from the wall until your hips are at 90 degrees and your knees are at 90 degrees.  Without using your arms to support your weight on your legs hold this pose for 20 seconds initially.  Build up to holding for 3 minutes and repeat this 2 times with a five-minute rest.

A quadriceps and hamstring strength training exercise that should never be done standing or while weight is on your feet is an isometric exercise that will help the knee cap to track correctly and decrease pain from patellofemoral syndrome.  While you are lying flat without any weight on the feet tighten the front of your quadriceps and hold that contraction for 30 seconds.  Build to holding for 1 minute and repeat 4 times with 2 minute rests between.  If you attempt to do the this exercise while standing you’ll actually throw the knee cap off track and cause more damage than good.

Before starting any of these strength training exercises be sure to warm up so your muscles are less prone to injury and they get the full benefit from the time you are spending.

Quadriceps and hamstring strength training is important for all around strength in the lower extremities, increasing bone density and increased lean muscle mass.


(1) Physical Therapy In Sport: The Effects of Eccentrick Hamstring Strength Training on Dynamic Jumping Performance and Isokinetic Strength Parameters



Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: Effect of Hamstring Emphasized Resistance Training on Hamstring: Quadriceps Strength Ratios


BodyBuilding: Nothing Beats a Great Pair of Legs


ESPN: 3 Exercises for your Quads and Hamstrings


Jason Ferruggia’s Renegade Rules: 7 Ways to Fix Weak Hamstrings


ACE: Upper Leg Exercises


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