Abdominal Exercises For Men

absAbdominal exercises are just 30% of getting six pack abs. But, without that 30%, fat loss will only reveal flabby abs. Let’s include some abdominal exercises that you can do both at the gym and at home to achieve your goals.

A strong core, both abdominals and back muscles, will improve your balance, help with coordination, improve how you fit in clothing, protect your abdominal organs and give you bragging rights at the beach. Abdominal exercises can be slightly different for men and women.

Ab workouts alone won’t produce flat abs. If you are carrying around extra fat around your abs you’ll need to burn off fat and calories to expose the abs you’ll be developing.

1. Reverse Crunch: This exercise works the lower abdominal muscle without curling the spine. Lay on your back and lift your legs up with your knees bent, pulling them toward your chest.

2. Planking it: There are several variations to this exercise which involves you being straight as a board. During the basic plank you get into the pushup position, with your back flat. Hold this position for a count of 60 to 90.

3. Side Plank: Lay on your right side with your left foot on top of your right foot. Put your elbow under your right shoulder and push up. Hold your body straight, keeping your abs and glutes tight.

4. Bridge: Lay on your back with your arms to your side and palms to the ground. Put your knees to right angles and lift your buttocks off the ground. Now lift one leg at a time with your knees straight.

5. Chair Hold: Sit on the edge of a chair and place your hands on the edge with your fingers facing forward. Lift your toes 2 to 4 inches off the floor and lift your butt off the chair. Hold this for 5 -10 seconds. Repeat this 8 times.

6. Opposite arm and leg: Get on the floor on knees and hands. Lift your left arm straight in front of you and your right leg straight behind you at shoulder height. Hold for a count of 3-5 and bring your hand and knee down. Repeat with your other side. Do 15 repetitions on alternating sides.

Real Simple: 6 Easy Lower Abdominal Exercises

Fitness Magazine: Top 10 Abs Exercises

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