Belly Fat and Back Pain

images (2)Back pain is a condition that affects people from around the world. Unfortunately, the pain and discomfort it causes can’t be escaped by movement or splinting. This means that if you suffer from back pain, you’ll likely feel it if you are standing, sitting or lying down. Unlike a pulled muscle in your arm or leg, you can’t use a sling or crutches to protect the area.

Instead, it’s more important to get to the root cause of the back pain and eliminate that or reduce the effects as quickly as possible in order to improve the likelihood that it will heal quickly.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, most people with low back pain will experience the pain because of a muscle irritation, nerve irritation or bone lesions. Most will follow an injury but can also be caused by degenerative conditions. (1)

Obesity, smoking, stress, poor physical condition, poor posture and weight gain during pregnancy can contribute to back pain. In four of those causes, an abnormal amount of weight in the belly will increase the stress on the lower back and increase the potential that a degenerative condition can (8)

According to the Mayo Clinic, approximately 80% of people will experience low back pain at least once in their lives. (2) It’s a common reason for loss of work time and for doctor visits.

A risk factor for the development of pain and degeneration is undue stress placed on the spine. That stress can be alleviated by improving the muscle development in the back and providing more stability for the spine. That muscle development should be over the entire core – back and belly – to avoid over development of muscles in the back without the development of muscles that counteract the back muscles.

Conventional treatments for back pain include medications, heat or cold therapy, electrical stimulation, cognitive behavior therapy, injections and surgery.

However, with some weight loss to reduce the stress on your lower spine and muscle development to stabilize the region, you may be able to get away without medications and surgeries, to lead a pain free life.

It’s time to reduce the amount of belly fat you carry in the way of subcutaneous fat and visceral fat, both of which increase the weight load your lower spine carries. You can do this through a smart eating program and just 10 minutes of exercise every other day. This is a small price to pay for being able to get in and out of your car, walking through the grocery store or reading a book without experiencing constant pain in your back.


(1) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: Low Back Pain Fact Sheet

(2) Medical news Today: What is Back Pain What Causes Back Pain


Taking Charge University of Minnestoa: Back Pain

Medical Center Ohio State University: Low Back Pain

American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons: Low Back Pain

MedlinePlus: low Back Pain

Spine Health: Lower Back Pain

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