Body Weight Training Exercises – Part 1

download (16)Did you know you don’t have to go to the gym to get ripped muscles, increase your strength and improve your overall health? In fact, you can get strong biceps, triceps, core, quads, hamstrings and glutes just using your own body weight.

Using just body weight to train has been the core of military personnel from the Romans to the Navy Seals because it works. The program is cost effective, can be done almost anywhere and is effective for everyone from newbies to advanced athletes.

When you go to the gym you are using weights for resistance to build muscle. But you have weight in your body that will give you all the workout you are looking for. Increasing the number of reps will improve your endurance while increasing the intensity will increase your strength. How can you use body weight to increase the intensity without gaining added pounds?

Basically you change the leverage against which you are working. For instance, if you pick up a 20 pound weight and hold it 10 inches from your body the pounds of pressure on your lower back will be significantly less than if you hold the weight 20 inches from your body. The same is true when you workout your triceps, traps, biceps, abs and back.

Because you aren’t using weights, these body weight training exercises are excellent for newbies to the strength training arena. But, because you can leverage the work you do, they are also excellent for athletes of all skill levels. Some of the exercises may require some equipment, but most do not.

Using your body weight will also utilize multiple muscle groups, improve your balance and get your heart pumping. And, like any other activity, it’s important that you warm up before starting. Otherwise, pushing cold muscles can result in injuries that will sideline you for weeks. Try running in place or doing jump rope for a couple of minutes. Jog up and down stairs or ride a stationary bike for a few minutes to get the heart moving faster.


(1) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: How Much Physical Activity do Adults Need


Mens Health: Weight-Free Workouts

NerdFitness: Beginner body Weight Workout

Mens Fitness: Back to Basics

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Your Body is all you Need

Womens Health Magazine: The Best Body-Weight Workout

BodyRipped: Body Weight Exercises

SparkPeople: 10 Body-Weight Training Exercises You can Do Anywhere

  • Bodyweight Burn
  • Equipment Free Workouts
  • Synchronized Diet
  • 21 Minutes Per Day

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