Breville Juicer

download (34)The Breville Juicer gives the user the ability to produce 8 ounces of juice in five seconds. This is an 850 W professional extractor that features a powerful computer-controlled motor. It’s been designed to juice under heavy loads and with an Italian steel micro mesh filter separates the juice from the fiber and seeds from the fruit so that a maximum amount of juice is produced. The unit also has a wide centrifugal feed chute that allows whole fruits and vegetables to be added without chopping them into pieces. This is a two speed on electronic control that offers a lower speed juicing for softer fruits and vegetables which will normally bind up other centrifugal juicers. The higher speed is used for fruits and vegetables that have more texture.

It advertises a quick and easy cleanup and states that the parts are dishwasher safe except for the motor. The entire unit carries a one-year warranty. Individuals who are new to juicing find that the unit is easy to take apart, clean and put back together again which is important when you’re first learning about and experiencing the health benefits of juicing.

download (35)The Breville juicer also has a foam separator which makes it unique from other juices. During the centrifugal process the fruits and vegetables are spun at high speeds in order to extract the juice from the solid pieces of fruit and vegetable. This spinning process can often produce foam at the top of the juice which will alter the taste of the final product. It is a good step up from the Jack Lalane the centrifugal juicer. While it may be just a bit more expensive what it makes up in efficiency helps it to pay for itself. Making the juicing more cost-effective, easier cleanup and easy to reassemble has increased and improved the number of positive reviews for this machine.

An interesting way of being able to drink the juice immediately without waiting for the machine to stop is to have a bowl of soapy water waiting so that after the juicing is completed the basket can be placed into soapy water while you enjoy the benefits of the juice you just produced. It is able to chop and juice beets, ginger, cucumbers, grapefruit, oranges, watermelon and whole Bosc pears as well as whole Granny Smith apples and rolled up collard greens without batting an eye. An interesting use of the pulp would be to add it to your dog food on a daily basis to give your pet the added benefit of the raw fruits and vegetables. Just make sure they are safe for your dog.

The Breville juicer is not loud and can be used around individuals who have a sensitivity to noise. Reviewers report that the typical blender is much louder than the Breville juicer. The juicer also comes with a special brush that makes cleaning the leftover pulp easy. However for those who like their juicers spick and span an electric toothbrush does the trick even faster.

The only real negative aspect to using the Breville juicer is that it is a centrifugal juicer. Many experts and nutritionist believe that the act of centrifuge will kill the living enzymes which are an essential part of juicing. In fact, juicing is only effective in the first 24 hours after being produced. Once that 24 hour span of refrigeration has expired the enzymes are usually dead and unavailable to the body.

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