Bulimia And Panic Attack – Part 1

download (3)By definition people who suffer from bulimia have behavior that is characterized by over eating (binge) and subsequent inappropriate behavior to prevent weight gain that can manifest itself with purging (induced vomiting) or excessive exercise.

On the other hand panic attacks are sudden surges of overwhelming fear that comes without warning and without an obvious reason. It is far more intense than feeling anxiety or feeling stressed out. Statistics show that one out of every 75 people will experience one panic attack in their lives.

The combination of bulimia and panic attack disorder makes the treatment of either more complicated than a single disorder.

Interestingly, if you have an anxiety disorder then there is an increased risk of having an eating disorder and if you have an eating disorder then there is an increased risk of having an anxiety disorder. Not everyone has both but it’s not unusual to for both of them to go hand in hand.

In any given year, about 1/3 of Americans suffer at least one panic attack but most don’t develop a repeat episode. This data means that panic and anxiety attacks are the most common emotional disorder and also have the lowest rate for seeking and finding help.

Symptoms of a panic attack include a fast heartbeat, difficulty breathing, terror, nervousness, feeling of dread, dizziness, trembling, chest pain, fear, fright, hot flashes, tingling in the fingers or toes and fearful that you’re going crazy or about to die.


Vanderbilt University: The Comorbidity of Anxiety Disorders and Eating Disorders


NetDoctor: How Can I Help My Daughter With Her Panic Attacks and Bulimia


Bulimia Help: Does Anyone Else Get Panic Attacks


The American Journal of Psychiatry: Cormorbidity of Anxiety Disorders with Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa


Comprehensive Psychiatry: Lifetime Anxiety Disorders in Women with Bulimia Nervosa


Anxiety and Depression Association of America: Eating Disorders


The Ohio State University: Bulimia Nervosa


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