Bulimia Self Help – Part 2

People who suffer from bulimia and are treated early in the disease also have a better chance for a full recovery. Like any other mental health problem things become habit. These behavior patterns can become more and more deeply ingrained and harder to change the longer they go on.

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Bulimia self help, as part of a larger circle of support, can also increase the chances of a full recovery. When family and friends learn how to be supportive and offer encouragement, instead of accusatory, it can help the person stay in treatment. This encouragement and support is something that should be offered with the knowledge and consent of the sufferer.

Offering a person with bulimia encouragement and support can be embarrassing and scary. Offering that kind of help without their full knowledge can lead to anger, frustration and feelings of being controlled.

To find bulimia self help, a person suffering from this condition can contact local eating disorder clinics to find a referral. Local doctors and hospital may offer support groups. Local colleges and universities also may offer a counseling center specifically for men and women with eating disorders.


Eating Disorders in South East Scotland: Self-Help Manual for Bulimia Nervosa


HelpGuide: Bulimia Nervosa


American Journal Psychiatry: Self-help for bulimia nervosa: a Randomized controlled Trial


Eating Disorders REcovery today: Bulimia Self-Help and How it Worked for Me


PsychCentral: Treatment for Bulimia


Patient.co.uk: Bulimia Nervosa


NHS: Bulimia


Bupa: Bulimia Nervosa


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