Bulimia Self Help – Part 3

images (2)There are bulimia self help tips that will help to make the whole process easier:

Don’t let yourself get too hungry or other emotions that trigger overeating such as frustration, anger, loneliness, exhaustion or boredom.

Never diet! Dieting equates with deprivation of nourishment and the pleasure of eating. It is also a powerful trigger for binge eating. However, using a healthy eating plan that includes foods from all groups and doesn’t result in hours of hunger isn’t a diet.

Make sure you get enough sleep (7 hours) and water (8 8-oz glasses of water) each day.

Take control of your own life. Make choices after careful deliberation and keep your environment clean and safe.

Avoid having time that isn’t structured – empty time can easily be filled with eating.

Accept the love, caring and help of your friends and family. Tell them what you need and accept the encouragement when it comes.

Keep tabs on your feelings. Feelings of anger, frustration, and loneliness can lead to binge eating.

If you believe that you may be in medical danger don’t wait for one day – talk to your doctor. Just as physicians take chest pain seriously – even when you come to the emergency room with a whopping case of heart burn – they also consider medical complications from an eating disorder to be something that should be evaluated immediately.


Eating Disorders in South East Scotland: Self-Help Manual for Bulimia Nervosa


HelpGuide: Bulimia Nervosa


American Journal Psychiatry: Self-help for bulimia nervosa: a Randomized controlled Trial


Eating Disorders REcovery today: Bulimia Self-Help and How it Worked for Me


PsychCentral: Treatment for Bulimia


Patient.co.uk: Bulimia Nervosa


NHS: Bulimia


Bupa: Bulimia Nervosa


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