Cabbage Soup Diet – Part 1

download (3)A fad diet is a change in nutritional intake that does not account for adequate vitamins and minerals and often encourages the user to stop eating a particular food group altogether or eating only one or two particular foods.

The cabbage soup diet is one such diet that is advertised as suitable for short-term quick weight loss and not suitable for long-term. Most people find that they lose weight quickly while eating as much fruit and vegetables as well as cabbage soup that they want all day long. It is supposed to be used for only the first seven days of any diet and most recommend that it should never be used any longer.

Individuals who have tried the cabbage soup diet report that the soup tastes very bland and the food for that week does not satisfy them. They may not feel hungry, but they do not feel satisfied. Many also report feeling lightheaded, weak and suffering from decreased concentration because of the significantly reduced caloric intake which negatively impacts the ability of the body to function appropriately.

The cabbage soup diet is not underwritten by Mayo Clinic or the Sacred Heart Hospital diet and is not similar to either. Proponents of the cabbage soup diet believe that followers like this particular means of losing weight because they do not get discouraged in that first week and see results very quickly. However, these results are short lived and last only as long as the individual continues to eat a reduced calorie diet, or burns more than they eat.

  • Bodyweight Burn
  • Equipment Free Workouts
  • Synchronized Diet
  • 21 Minutes Per Day

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