Circuit Training

GymCircuit training is a great way to combine your cardiovascular workout and your strength training at the same time.  This is a great way to leverage your time to take advantage of every minute you have.

Circuit training has been a staple in exercise programs since the mid 1950’s. There have been several variations that have made their way into the gyms – such as Boxercise and Body Pump.  The aim of each, however, is the same.  The technique is what changes.  This is helpful since doing the same routine day in and day out can be tiresome and boring!

Basically circuit training is aimed at a progressive development of the heart, lungs and muscular systems.  It develops an all around fitness that is desired by many people who begin an exercise program.  Not only are the results desirable but the time commitment is considerably less than using both a cardiovascular program and strength program on the same day.

When you are using a strength program, which involves lifting weights, you shouldn’t do it more than every other day.  In other words, the strength program should have at least one day between them and no more than 3 days a week.  However, you can do a cardiovascular program five days each week.  This means on the days you lift weights you’ll be doing two different programs, taking up twice the amount of time, unless you use circuit training.

download (1)Endurance training must be regular and sustained over a long period of time.  Circuit training is a firm base for endurance training.  The key is to start at a level lower than you would expect you could accomplish to accommodate the differences between standard strength training, cardiovascular programs and circuit training.

When you are planning your circuit training keep your goals in sight and be sure that the exercises are suitable for your sport, your current physical condition and your abilities.  Circuit training is different from weight training in that you will be working at sub-maximal level with little to no rest between sets.  This works the muscles for strength training and keeps the heart and lungs working in tandem for the cardiovascular portion of circuit training.

Although circuit training is time efficient you should never skip your warm ups, especially in this program where you will hit the ground running, so to speak.  Warm ups will help you to remain injury free and will allow your muscles to get the most from your workouts.

Interestingly circuit training is fairly flexible.  You’ll be able to vary the routine, the area of the gym and whether you do it individually, in a group or with a personal trainer.   For the advanced athlete, harder exercises and weights can be used.  Aim to spend about 40 minutes to an hour at each session and keep your rest periods between weights or exercise to a minimum or at zero.

download (2)Circuit training can be done at home with an exercise ball, elastic resistance, hand weights and your own body weight or it can be done at the gym with exercise equipment.  An even simpler version of this type of exercise has the person running or jogging and stopping at intervals for pushups, sit-ups or other calisthenics.   In either case your goal is to work both the musculoskeletal system as well as the cardiovascular system.

Studies from Baylor University and the Cooper Institute indicate that circuit training is the most time efficient way to improve both cardiovascular and muscle fitness.  This is the basis of the workouts provided to members at Curves, an all woman’s gym.  The circuit training at Curves has women working for 30 minutes at between 16 and 26 different stations.

While circuit training is the best option for people wishing an all around fitness program, those who desire bulk and increased muscle mass are best suited using other weight lifting options.


BodyBuilding: 26 Circuit Training 20 Minute Circuit Workout

Fitness Magazine: Circuit Training Workout: Burn 30 Percent More Calories

BrianMac: Circuit Training

Mens Fitness: Featured Circuit Workout Articles

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