Core Strength Exercises – Part 1

images (83)The core of your self-confidence, sex appeal and stability is your core! Core strength exercises include more than just your abs, which are most visible and get more attention than a strong back. However, a strong core will include overall strength between your back, your abs and your obliques, or muscles that control the stability of the sides of your body.

Exercises that address just the front of your body will create an imbalance to your body that will draw your shoulders forward and abnormally stretch the muscles across your upper back. Upper back pain and overstretched muscles is one of the common injuries that occur in people who either just work their abs or who sit at a desk all day with their shoulders rounded forward.

A strong core will hold your spine stable, keep your shoulders back in the correct position and give you abs that make your friends jealous and turn the heads of the opposite sex. It will also increase your self-confidence, make you stand taller and walk with more grace and ease.

1. The Superman will help improve the strength and stability of your lower back. With a towel under your hips to support your back, lift one arm off the floor and hold for 3 seconds, replace on the floor and repeat with the other arm. Repeat this sequence with the legs and arms.

2. Planks can be done in the position of a traditional pushup or on the side. Both have benefits for your abs, back and obliques. The traditional plank starts in the pushup position. Keep your arms straight, back straight, abs tight and hold for 90 seconds. You can do the same thing with your elbows bent and resting your weight through the elbow with the forearm pressed to the floor.


American University: Core Strength Exercises

Sports Injury Clinic: core Strengthening Exercises

FitDay: Core Strength Training Techniques for Proper Exercise

Women’s Health: 15-Minute Workout

Princeton University: Lumbar/Core Strength and Stability Exercises

RealSimple: 6 Easy Exercises to Strengthen Your Core

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