Core Strength Exercises – Part 2

images (82)More core strength exercises!

1. Side Planks are done by lying on your side, feet on top of each other, right elbow under the shoulder. Raise your hips up, raise your left arm in a straight line to the floor and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

2. Side crunch will strengthen your abs without adding a weight load to your lower back with flexion. With your left knee and hand on the floor, your right hand straight up and your back straight, extend the right leg in a straightline with the body. In one motion, pull the right knee toward your chest and your right elbow to the knee. Straighten and repeat 10 times. Switch sides.

3. Supine Abs is done on your back with your knees bent. Pull your abdominal muscles in and push your lower back to the floor. Hold for a count of 2-3 and relax. Repeat 10 – 20 times.

4. Single leg lifts will help strengthen your lower abdominal muscles, glutes and back. Lie on your back, legs bent and arms pressed to the floor, palms down. Lift your butt off the floor until your body is straight from knee to shoulder. Slowly raise just your right leg with knee bent, replace and raise your left leg. Alternate 10 -20 repetitions.

As you incorporate these core strengthening exercises into your programs, remember to pay attention to all aspects of your core – back, front and sides. When one area is more developed than the opposite area you become unbalanced which can affect the stability of your spine and increase your risk of back pain.


American University: Core Strength Exercises

Sports Injury Clinic: core Strengthening Exercises

FitDay: Core Strength Training Techniques for Proper Exercise

Women’s Health: 15-Minute Workout

Princeton University: Lumbar/Core Strength and Stability Exercises

RealSimple: 6 Easy Exercises to Strengthen Your Core

  • Bodyweight Burn
  • Equipment Free Workouts
  • Synchronized Diet
  • 21 Minutes Per Day

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