Detox Foot Pads

download (7)Toxins from processed foods and the environment, to name just two sources, can build up in the body and trigger many different illnesses and disease. These toxins can travel throughout the body once they reach the blood stream and lymph system and end up accumulating in the feet and toes.

The buildup of these toxins is thought to cause health conditions such as arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease. Alternative health practitioners believe that by removing the toxins you can remain healthy and have more energy.

Detox foot pads are the latest in alternative health treatments. These pads are applied to the soles of your feet at bedtime and the natural ingredients found in these pads will draw out the toxins in your body. Many people claim relief from joint pain and a more relaxing sleep while using these foot pads.

All detoxifying foot pads should contain all natural ingredients that are not harmful to your body. The ingredients found in the foot pads will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Wood vinegar may be a natural ingredient that is added to your brand of detoxifying foot pads. Wood vinegar has absorbing powers that help to relieve pain and decrease any swelling in the body.

download (8)Bamboo vinegar is a tree sap that is extracted from bamboo and broadleaf trees. It is then liquefied by rapid cooling and after a period of time it is made into a vinegar solution. Manufacturers will put this into their detoxifying foot pads because of its amazing ability to remove unnecessary waste matter from the body.

Mugwort extract is found in some foot pads. This herb has been used for centuries to treat nervous conditions, cure insomnia and stimulate the liver. This extract has also been used to treat various digestive problems.

Tourmaline is a mineral that will exert a cleansing and liberating effect on the body’s nervous system. It is best known for its ability to emit infrared heat and negative ions.

Loquat is an herb that is often called the king of herbal medicines. Some detox pad manufacturers list this herb as one of their ingredients. The leaves from this herb contain various types of acids and vitamins. The benefits of this herb are that it promotes secretion of bodily fluids, and it has anti-tussive and anti-emetic properties.

Eucalyptus oil is used because it has very strong anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. The leaves of the eucalyptus plant have been known to reduce inflammation and fever.

There are many conflicting claims about the detox foot pads. While some people claim they are nothing more than a hoax, others claim they have had great success in detoxifying the body and feeling much better overall. The most current evidence suggests that although these foot pads can make you feel better, it isn’t because they are detoxifying your body, but rather an improvement because of the effects of acupressure depending upon where you place the pads.


Mercola: Detox Foots Pads a Scam

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