Does the Media Cause Eating Disorders? – Part 2

Eating disorders are not diets that have gone bad but are rather complex psychological representations of individuals who suffer from low self-esteem, perfectionism, internalized anger and other family “stuff”. Is the media really responsible for the rising numbers of men and women who are plagued by symptoms of anorexia or bulimia? Of course not! But the increasing number of messages which are delivered to these men, women, boys and girls that happiness, health and popularity is all wrapped up in a perfect size too has become much more prevalent, just as the number of people diagnosed with eating disorders is also rising.


Sociologists tell us that the average American is bombarded with approximately 400 advertising messages each day. These messages are communicated on the radio, billboards, television, movies, newspaper and in the Internet. Of these messages one out of every 11 has a direct message about beauty.

Despite the current research that teaching young children and teenagers positive information about body image and healthy eating results in more positive body images the research isn’t conclusive that the media images result in eating disorders. Psychologists have found that it does result in distorted body image in an increasing number of children who may be verbally abused by their peers for “looking different”. But the research does not conclude that it causes eating disorders. People who may be at risk for developing eating disorders will develop them regardless of the media but are at higher risk for developing them if they have a negative body image. Until researchers can support the claim that the media causes eating disorders they can only be listed as a negative influence and not a causative factor.

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