Dressing During Pregnancy – Part 1

images (10)Being pregnant can take a huge toll on your self-image. While you are thrilled to be having a baby, you are now faced with at least 7 months of body-changing, weight-gaining, baby-growing growth. For seven months you will be gaining weight in places you didn’t think baby weight was gained and popping out of your favorite jeans before you thought possible. The prospect of giving up your fashionista clothing for tent dresses and sweats doesn’t fit with your overall image of dressing for success at the office.

Don’t fear! With a few tweaks and help you can continue to be a business woman, fashionista or just plain mommy with whatever image you want.

The key to dressing when you are pregnant is to wear the kinds of things that you would wear when you are not pregnant. If you wore a lot of black then don’t change your colors just because you are pregnant. If you want to feel confident and comfortable then that means wearing some of the same types of clothes as you did before.

Don’t worry about being shoved into clothing full of big prints and frilly bows. The days of every maternity top and dress adorned with a frilly bow is long gone.

Maternity clothes can also be expensive, especially when you consider that you only wear them for a few short months. For this reason you may be able to find expensive suits and business wear at consignment shops that specialize in maternity clothes. And before you purchase anything consider borrowing it. Many of your friends also have maternity clothes that they only wore for a few short months. People often saved them in preparation for their next pregnancy but too many times the months in which their body has grown into maternity clothing are not the seasons of clothing they own.

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