Dressing During Pregnancy – Part 2

download (6)Don’t forget to look through your own closet as well. Especially in the early months when maternity clothes are not necessary but your own clothes may not fit anymore, you can find a few pairs of pants or dresses that you usually wear when you are a few pounds heavier than usual. Any loose tops, pants or skirts will be terrific pieces that will help to get you through that early weight gain prior to your belly actually popping.

In those early months, as your body is changing, you will find that it is your waist that expands first and not your lower belly where the baby is actually growing. In order to extend the life of your favorite pants you can loop rubber bands through the buttonhole and wrapped it around the button. This will give you a few extra inches of breathing room, especially when worn with a shirt that goes over the waist.

And you continue to grow, there are certain styles of dress that are more becoming, such as an A-line or empire waist dress and tops. Pencil skirts that are paired with a larger top also look great on women who are pregnant.

When you are away from the office, or at least not going out in public, you can also raid your husband’s closet for a larger shirt that you might wear. A man’s shirt with the sleeves rolled up and buttoned over a tight T-shirt looks great over the top of the stretch pants. It’s a comfortable look and something you can actually answer the door in.

And don’t forget the accessories. These can help transform any maternity dress or outfit, especially when you’re sticking to a few basics. Accessories will also help draw attention away from your body if you are feeling self-conscious. Scarves, purses, jewelry and any other piece of clothing that can be added to your outfit will help to make you feel as dressed up as you want to be.

Remember that you will only be pregnant for a short time and so the outfits, dresses and shirts that you purchase should be able to mix and match so you can get through those last five or six months without breaking your budget.

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