Exercise With Arthritis – Part 1

download (3)While you might believe that exercise would be contradictory, when you suffer from arthritis it is actually quite the opposite. Individuals who had arthritis years ago were advised not to exercise thinking that it would damage the joints. But today, researchers have identified specific advantages for those who do exercise after the diagnosis of arthritis.

Prior to starting an exercise plan discuss your options with your Rheumatologist or primary care physician to help determine your options. The amount and form the exercise will take will depend upon the type of arthritis you suffer from, the joints which are involved, the stability of your joints, any joint replacements you have had done, other physical limitations and the level of inflammation in your joints.

In the first place exercise helps to increase the metabolic rate. This, in turn, helps to increase the amount of weight loss that can be achieved. And, when weight is one of the stressors that increases the pain, swelling and discomfort an individual experiences, then exercise can help to reduce the symptoms.


Exercise also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, increases energy levels, develops good sleep patterns, increases bone density, decreases problems with fatigue and depression and helps to improve self-esteem and self-confidence.

Regular and moderate exercise that spares the joints can also help to build strong muscles that support the joints, increases flexibility and improves the endurance of those who suffer from arthritis. Each of these benefits will help to reduce the amount of pain and swelling a person experiences and therefore reduce the amount of medication that an individual will require. (1)

Some find they are reluctant to start a program because it seems like such a daunting task or because they are in such pain. The important thing to remember about developing an exercise program when you suffer from arthritis is that it should be slow and the program should be fun. You aren’t starting a program to practice for the Olympics! Instead you are attempting to increase your flexibility and endurance.

Stretching exercises are a great way to begin. They help to increase flexibility and prepares the joints and muscles for more exercise. They also help you to perform your daily activities with greater ease. Once you are comfortable with these stretches and your flexibility has improved, it is time to move into some easy cardiovascular work or easy weight training.



University of Washington Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine




  • Arthritis is Curable
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