Explain Chakras

images (23)Chakra, derived from the Sanskrit language, translates as “wheel” or “disk”. Chakras is the concept which refers to a wheel like object that, according to traditional Indian medicine, are believed to exist in the surface of the double man. This is the force center or energy from a point on the physical body.

This study of chakra is central to many different disciplines such as aromatherapy, Reiki, flower essences, sound therapy and crystal therapy. Practitioners of acupuncture attempt to focus on balancing the chakra system. Individuals who practice Hinduism, Tantric, Buddhism, Bon, and Chinese medicine are all familiar with how chakra inter-relates to their specific practices.

The easiest way to explain a chakra is that they are energy centers located at different spots on the body. Each center has a specific function and practitioners believe that, to be healthy, the energy center must have a flow of energy that is clear and balanced between all of the chakra. When there is something out of alignment the flow isn’t proper, blocking other centers to function properly.

In most practices there are seven major chakra’s; the root, Sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and crown. Each of these have specific roles to play in the health of the individual as well as the flow of energy from one area of the body to the other.download (12)

Within every human body there are many
chakras that fall into one of three categories: major, minor and mini. The major chakras, described above, are three to 4 inches in diameter and control the vital organs. New Age practitioners believe that they can change what was to a new future and that one or more chakra if not working at peak efficiency the organ becomes sick or diseased.

Minor chakras are one or 2 inches in diameter and the minis are even smaller. Both the minor and mini chakras control and energize the extremities and the flow of energy through the blood. Interestingly, all of the chakras are associated with a color, musical note, particular food and aura.

The New Age movement has led to an increased interest in the practices which include chakras. These seven major chakras are believed to somehow reflect the unified consciousness of humanity and is divided to manage different aspects of our earthly life. Some believe that the major chakras are located over major endocrine glands such as the pineal gland, thyroid glands, thymus, adrenal gland and sex organs.

If all of this information seems more confusing than explanatory it’s because the concept of chakras is ancient and complex, often requiring large volumes of books to adequately explain what they are, how they’re used and how they’re balanced. Suffice it to say that many of the medicinal practices which are tightly bound to religious practices outside of Christianity integrate the use of chakras and energy fields into their understanding of how the body works as well as recommendations for treatment of disease.


Universal Psychic Guild: The 7 Chakras

MindBodyGreen: The 7 Chakras for Beginners

Chakra Energy

Yoga Journal: Asans for the Chakra System

YogaGlo: The Science of Chakras

Reikisource: What are Chakras

SpiritualNetwork: Chakras

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