Obesity in industrialized nations is at an all time high. Most researchers link this to the standard Western diet which is too high in fats, sugars and processed foods. Most individuals also expend very little energy and expect everything quickly. We want fast food, fast weight loss, fast Internet and fast track.
Everyone requires food for energy. The body uses what we take in to feed the body at the cellular level and produce some level of health. The only difference between being an individual who wears a size 6 and one who is overweight is how much food and how long between meals.
In a perfect world fast weight loss would be easy. We could take a magic pill and be fit and trim by evening. But in the real world we may be able to lose some initial weight quickly but maintaining that weight loss and keeping it off requires commitment to a healthy lifestyle.
There is a very good reason why most weight loss plans begin with a way of achieving fast weight loss. In the first place, the human body can usually accommodate a quick loss of two or 5 pounds without throwing it into starvation mode. This is a process in which the body actually hoards calories and weight loss is achieved much more slowly, even though the individual is eating a very low calorie diet. Unfortunately, when the individual stops eating a very low calorie diet the weight will actually return quickly and often in greater amount. Secondly, taking off those first three to 5 pounds is incredibly motivating!
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