Getting Your Body Back After Pregnancy – Part 2

images (11)No matter what the changes, it is almost unanimous – most women will notice a change in the way that their bodies are proportioned once their baby has been delivered and they have lost their pregnancy weight.

Another area of the body which seems to travel a bit south are the breasts. Most women notice that their breasts become fuller and larger during the pregnancy and grow even more if they are breast-feeding. Women who wear a good supportive bra throughout pregnancy as well as during breast-feeding find that the travel south is a bit less than those women who enjoy the feeling of freedom.

Unfortunately, it does not matter how much weight you lose or how much exercise you do your breasts will never go north again. This is because the tissue is held by one tendon that, when stretched, does not rebound. That is why it is so important for women to continue to wear a supportive bra during their pregnancy and afterwards.water

Women who want to lose weight after delivery of their child should wait until at least the second or third week to think about watching their calorie intake. Up until that time the body is recovering from a significant event as well as adjusting to lack of sleep and nursing. And even when calorie counting is started it should never go below 1800 calories per day.

The trick is to eat calories which are high in nutritional value and not junk food or processed foods. Breast-feeding can burn up to 500 calories per day which means that many women can eat more than they did before they were pregnant and still lose weight. Be aware that once you to stop nursing the number of calories you burn will also plummet so it is important to consider calorie counting once you stop nursing.

Empty calories, such as soda and potato chips, will eliminate your intake of needed vitamins and minerals that will affect the quality of milk you produce for your baby as well as your overall health. Talk with your obstetrician about when you can consider exercise. The best exercise to start with is going for long walks with your little one. Unless the weather is very cold or raining both of you will benefit greatly from getting outside and getting some fresh air.

Do not do anything more strenuous than walking for at least six weeks after delivering your child, whether you deliver vaginally or by cesarean section. Talk with your obstetrician about the types of exercises that you can begin once he gives you the go-ahead to start working out.

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