Gout Symptoms – Part 1

download (5)Gout is one of over 100 different types of arthritic conditions that can attack the human body. It is a type of arthritis that causes sudden burning pain, stiffness and swelling in a joint, often attacking the big toe.

Gout is a condition which affects more men than women. The risk is higher if the individual is overweight, drinks alcohol, or if a high amount of fish or meats high in purines are eaten consistently. Purines are a colorless crystalline organic based nitrogen that is the component in certain foods. These purines are then metabolized into uric acid. The cause of gout is too much uric acid in the blood stream which then forms hard crystals inside the joints. (1)

The most common symptom of an attack is night time swelling, tenderness and redness in the joint. This is accompanied by sharp pain. The attack can last a few days or many weeks before it resolves. Some individuals may not get another flareup for many months or years while others remain pain-free for the rest of their lives.

The most common joint in which gout appears is in the big toe, although it can occur in the foot, ankle, knee or wrist as well. The signs and symptoms are almost always acute. This means that it develops suddenly and without any warning. When the pain is left untreated it typically lasts for five to 10 days as the crystals dissolve from the joint area. The pain and discomfort will gradually subside over two weeks and leave the joint apparently pain-free and normal.


  • Gout and You
  • The Ultimate Gout Diet and Cookbook
  • Do you want to lower your uric acid levels?
  • Tired of Gout attacks?
  • Over 100 recipes and meal ideas

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