Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a complicated condition that affects between 1 and 4 million people worldwide. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. estimates that those numbers are low because many people don’t seek medical care for their symptoms. Of those who are diagnosed approximately 25% are unemployed or claiming disability related to the results of their condition.
Symptoms of CFS include chronic fatigue that isn’t resolved with sleep, non-restorative sleep, headaches, impaired memory and concentration, sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes and joint pain. All of these symptoms cause distress and disturbances in a person’s ability to function through their daily living tasks.
The headaches that are caused by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are implicated in the decreased ability of the sufferer to concentrate and the depression that often accompanies this condition that leaves the sufferer debilitated. There isn’t too much attention paid to the headaches that accompany the diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome except that they exist and they are often different from the headaches that the sufferer may commonly experience.
In other words if the sufferer may have more commonly experienced headaches in the front of their head or sinus headaches these will be different in nature, timing and duration.
Researchers have also discovered that many people with CFS suffer from a type of low blood pressure that may or may not be related to their experience of CFS. Low blood pressure can also result in impaired concentration, memory and headaches. It appears as if there are many factors that interact to give the sufferer the variety of symptoms they experience through the course of their illness.
Doctors have found that infections, increased stress and problems with the immune system are all linked to an increased risk of developing CFS. The potential for CFS is higher in women who are between 40 and 50 but teens and older adults are also at risk.
Another symptom that is associated with CFS is orthostatic hypotension. This symptom causes your blood pressure to plummet as you change your position from lying down to sitting or sitting to standing. This can cause you to feel dizzy and woozy. Some people with severe orthostatic hypotension may even faint when changing positions.
Some think that this symptom can contribute to the headaches that people with CFS will suffer. These headaches, although they can be severe, shouldn’t be so severe that they interfere with your ability to function. Headaches that cause nausea or vomiting should be more fully evaluated for other medical conditions that must be addressed.
Headaches are a common symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. However, physicians and patients must be diligent in their investigation of the symptoms and determine if they are associated with another medical condition that may be co-morbid.
MedlinePlus: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
KidsHealth: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Michigan Headache and Neurological Institute: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
University of Maryland Medical Center: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
NHS Choices: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
WomensHealth: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fact Sheet
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