Heavy Metal Detoxification

detoxHeavy-metal refers to a metallic chemical element that has a high density and relatively high atomic mass and is toxic or poisonous.  Some examples of heavy metals are mercury, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, selenium and lead.  These elements can damage living things at low concentrations and tend to accumulate in the food chain.

In nature the lowest elements on the food chain is plant life.  Specific types of animals are herbivores and eat only plants.  These animals can have a build up of heavy-metal in their system, deposited in their muscle mass, from absorption from plants.  When these animals are slaughtered and used for food the heavy metal in their system is absorbed by the end user, us.

Doctors have determined that the human body often contains microscopic heavy-metal from environmental toxins and our food sources.  Another source of heavy-metal toxification is from the amalgam fillings made for dental appliances.  In 1989, the Environmental Protection Agency stated that metal fillings were hazardous substances under the Superfund law.  When outside of the mouth they must be stored in unbreakable, tightly sealed containers, they are not to be touched and have specific storage requirements.  Outside of the mouth they are toxic but when placed in the teeth they are labeled “non-toxic”. (1)

Heavy-metal concentrations will occur with excessive exposure.  In most parts of the United States this toxicity isn’t a common medical condition but clinically significant when it does occur.  When it goes unrecognized, toxicity can result in significant illness and neurological degeneration. (2)

Acute toxicity is accompanied by severe and rapid onset of symptoms which can include cramping, nausea, vomiting, pain, sweating, headaches, difficulty breathing, nervousness, impaired cognitive and motor skills and convulsions.  Chronic exposure may be more difficult to associate with the cause, but symptoms are easily recognizable, such as impaired language skills, nervousness and emotional instability, insomnia, nausea and lethargy.  These chronic toxicity symptoms will develop slowly over many months or even years.  Sometimes an individual will find the symptoms abate while others find the symptoms become unbearable.

In very small quantities certain of these heavy-metals are nutritionally essential for life.  However, in even slightly larger quantities they can lead to toxic symptoms.  For the most part, individuals who acquire these heavy metals through dietary intake of plant food will not suffer from heavy metal toxicity or over exposure.  Exposure to heavy metals from environmental toxins, work environment or supplementation can lead to toxic symptoms and potentially life-threatening illnesses.

edtaWhen heavy metals are not metabolized by the body they accumulate in the soft tissue.  Industrial exposure is the most common route of exposure for adults while ingestion is the most common route of exposure for children.  Traditional medical physicians will use chelation therapy in order to remove heavy-metal toxins in the body.  This chelation therapy uses EDTA, medicines which bind with the heavy metals in the body and eliminate them through the kidneys. (3)

One of the side effects of using chelation therapy is kidney failure because of the risk of the medication.  However, in individuals who are suffering from heavy metal toxicity the risk of using chelation therapy is outweighed by the benefits of removing the heavy-metal from the body. (4)

Alternative medicine specialists also work with individuals to remove lower levels of heavy-metal concentrations in the body.  They believe that it is a major cause of hormonal imbalances that can lead to cancer, thyroid problems, learning disabilities and depression.  One of the natural ways of removing heavy metals is cilantro.  Cilantro is an herb, also known as Chinese parsley, which is combined with other ingredients. (5)

Other alternative medicine specialists use preparations of chemicals which they believe will help chelate, or remove, heavy metals from the body.  These chemicals are sold as alternative medicine supplements and have not undergone any stringent FDA or clinical trial testing.  For this reason it is important for the individual who uses these chemicals to do their own diligent research on the side effects and potential problems which may ensue.

Before taking anything it is important to seek the advice of your primary care physician and pharmacist.  Your pharmacist can advise you about any drug interactions with any over-the-counter medications or prescription medications you may already be taking.  Your primary care physician can advise you about any interactions that these chemicals may have with any other underlying medical conditions from which you may suffer.

chelaHeavy-metal chelation therapy is gaining great popularity with alternative medicine specialists.  It is used as a preventative method for individuals who wish to look at alternative ways of preventing cancer, high blood pressure, stroke and other medical issues.  Some of these treatment  therapies are harmless and may actually make an individual feel better while others can be dangerous and may lead to kidney failure.

Before attempting to self prescribe any type of chelation therapy for heavy metal toxicity or as a preventative method seek the advice of your primary care physician and be well aware of any symptoms that are side effects which you may suffer from the treatment itself.


(1) United States Evironmental Protection Agency: Mercury in Dental Amalgam


(2) US Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Toxic Metals


(3) Vanderbilt University Health Psychology: EDTA Chelation Therapy


(4) American Cancer Society: Chelation Therapy


(5) RawFoodInfo.com: Cilantro Pesto Said to Remove Heavy Metals


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