How To Cure Bulimia – Part 2

download (7)People who suffer from bulimia have higher rates of complete recovery when their disorder is identified and treatment is began early. The habits of binging and purging become more ingrained the longer they go on.

Psychologists will investigate the various options as to how to cure bulimia by beginning with a history of the persons personal disorder as well as whether there has been a history of eating disorders in the family and whether the sufferer also suffers from other anxiety related disorders such as panic attacks.

The psychologist may recommend a few visits to a psychiatrist to consider short term use of medication to help normalize levels of serotonin in the body as well as begin a behavior modification program with the patient that they can use outside of therapy on their own.

Therapy will help the person to identify why they use this behavior and help to also normalize the perspective of body image. Figuring out why they use the behavior and changing the way they see themselves is a good step toward helping people to stop the symptoms of bulimia which have long term negative health effects.

Curing bulimia isn’t a process that people should attempt on their own. The very fact that it rests on an unrealistic body image means that most patients aren’t able to police their own actions. If they were then there wouldn’t be such a problem in the first place.

People who suffer from bulimia require support from therapists as well as from their own family and friends. A therapist may offer behavior modification, medication, and reasons why but it is up to the sufferer to make a decision to change their behavior and work toward a healthier future.


(1) Archives of General Psychiatry: Low Serotonin and Dopamine Metabolite Concentrations in Cerebrospinal Fluid from Bulimic Patients with frequent Binge Episodes


HelpGuide: Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Help: How to Cure Bulimia

PsychCentral: Treatment for Bulimia

NHS: Treating Bulimia

PRLog: Tips on How to Cure Bulimia Naturally

MayoClnic: Bulimia Nervosa

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