How to Lose Belly Fat – Part 3

When you are already on a negative calorie intake (burning more than you are eating) studies show that a diet with a higher ratio of monounsaturated fats contained in avocados, nuts, seeds and chocolate, can prevent the accumulation of body fat. It is not likely that someone eating a high calorie diet and eating these monounsaturated fats will lose belly fat but those who are eating a low calorie diet and eating these types of foods will not gain belly fat.

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Trans fats, such as in margarines, crackers and cookies, will also result in the addition of more belly fat deposited so they should be avoided as much as possible. Soluble fiber such as in apples and oats will lower belly fat levels that can reduce the presence of cortisol and thus reduce the amount of belly fat.

The way that fat is distributed on the body is often genetically programmed or a result of life events, such as menopause. What is within our control is the level of overall fat. So when we keep that amount low it does not really matter where it goes because there isn’t much to begin with.

Unfortunately, spot reduction is not really possible. So while some fad diets promise that if you eat a certain type of food every day you will lose the fat in your belly, this just is not the case. What is happening is that with a reduced calorie diet you will lose fat over your abdomen faster and first than you do anywhere else. By increasing the amount of exercise you do, and doing core muscle exercises, you will not only reduce belly fat but you will now begin to see the fruits of your labor as your muscle tone improves and those six pack abs begin to emerge.


MayoClinic: Belly Fat in Men: Why Weight Loss matters

Washington University: Belly Fat May Drive Inflammatory Processes Associated with Disease

University of Michigan: Missing Link Between Belly Fat and Heart Disease

Harvard Health Publications: Belly Fat and What to Do About it

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