How To Use A Time Log – Part 1

download (14)Time is a finite resource and can become a stressor to most people who live busy lives. Using a time log you will be able to see more clearly exactly how you spend your time. This is a task that is much like developing a budget. Using a time log you’ll be able to determine how you are currently spending your time so that you can evaluate it and make the appropriate changes to increase your productivity.

The particular type of time log or activity log you use is not as important as the assessment you make afterwards and the accuracy of the information you put into it. Most time logs will divide the hours into 15 minute increments. There should be a place to write down the activity that you most often do which will help to save time from re-writing down tasks.

While you are doing the time log it is also important to jot down whether the activity is for enjoyment or productivity and how much energy you feel while doing it. Using both the productivity and energy column will allow you to determine what parts of the day you are most energetic, most productive and which tasks drain more of your energy.

You should do a time log only for one week because of the extra time it takes to complete the log. By using something concrete and written you will see exactly how you spend your day, all day every day. It will allow you to answer question about the way in which you use your time and how this does or does not, improve your productivity.

At the end of each day you should have a list of activities that you started, the time you started, the length of time spent on the activity and how you felt during the activity. After you have the length of time calculated for each activity it is time to create two different totals for your day. The first total for non-work activities and the second one will add up the amount of time you spend on work activities.


Mind Tools: Activity Logs




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