Improve Self-Esteem With EFT – Part 1

images (13)If you had to determine the one or two factors that play into the success or failure of a person in their personal, professional or financial life, it would have to be a combination of self-esteem, self-image and self perception. Each of these factors plays a significant role in how and what we are able to achieve in life. People who feel they have low self-esteem or low self perception are often able to find help and assistance with a counselor or a life coach. However, there is also another option which may be slightly more cost-effective and which will develop habits and processes that will help you throughout life. That option is Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT.

Since Gary Craig perfected EFT in the 1990s, practitioners have been using it to improve an individual’s self-esteem and to help trace through the myriad of beliefs that end up corrupting our self-esteem. Using EFT people try to neutralize the negative thought processes and belief systems that hold us back from our full potential. (1)

One of the factors that plays a significant role in how we think about ourselves are the multiple phrases that run through our heads every single day. These may be things that you heard from your parents, teachers or other significant individuals in your life as you grew up. Most of them can be categorized around specific instances or topics, such as money. For instance, most of us grew up hearing phrases such as “Money doesn’t grow on trees”, “If I had a penny for every time he said that”, “I can’t afford that”, or “the rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer”. Each of these metaphors flow through our lives and actually has a significant impact in the way that we feel about ourselves, our financial situation and our ability to maintain an adequate relationship.

The metaphors in the previous paragraph were all about money but there are an equal number to cover every other facet of life that affects us. Using emotional freedom techniques to impact our self perception and self-esteem, we must first differentiate between the metaphors which are significant in our lives and those which have not made an impact.



(2) EFT Universe: The Effects of EFT on Long-term Psychological Symptoms

(3) Nancy Gnecco: Personal Peace Procedure

  • The Complete Program for Creating EFT Scripts
  • Pen and Paper Method
  • Creating EFT Scripts
  • And More!


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