IT Band Syndrome – Part 1

download (18)The iliotibial band is a group of tough fibrous tissue that runs from the hip to the knee along the outside of the thigh. The function of the IT band is to provide stability to the knee joint in conjunction with other muscle groups. The injury, sometimes called IT Band syndrome or IT Band friction syndrome, is more common in athletes who run and who have increased their mileage, have biomechanical problems with their gait or who consistently run on just one side of the road.

Biomechanical problems can include runners who overpronate, have a leg length discrepancy or are bow-legged. Each of these issues, as well as running on the same side of the road, puts increased stress on one side of the body over the other. This stress results in inflammation of the IT band and the symptoms that follow.

Diagnosis of the condition doesn’t require much testing. Often the practitioner will take a thorough history and ask about other injuries in the past. Pain on the outside of the knee or mid-thigh can be caused by other conditions, so a thorough examination will rule out other conditions.


Runners World: ITBS

Competitor: How to Beat IT Band Syndrome

Active: How to Aggressively Treat IT Band Syndrome

Rice:Iliotibila Band Friction Syndrome

UPMC: IT Band Sydnrome

American Family PHysician: Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Sports Injury Clinic: Illiotibial Band Syndrome

MayoClinic: Knee Pain

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