IT Band Syndrome – Part 2

itSymptoms will include swelling and stiffness in the knee, redness and warmth at the joint, popping or crunching noises in the joint and an inability to fully straighten the knee. If the injury increases in severity you may feel as though your knee will ‘give out’ on you or you may be able to see a noticeable deformity in the leg or at the knee. If you experience these symptoms it’s important to see an orthopedic surgeon for treatment recommendations in order to increase the potential that you’ll experience a fully functional recovery.

Treatment includes rest from activities that increase the pain and discomfort. You can cross train using swimming, running in the pool and cycling. Even rowing won’t place the stress on the IT band that running on a solid hard surface does. Once you aren’t experiencing pain with movement you can start incorporating side stretches that stretch the IT Band, as well as stretches for the quads and hamstrings to stay balanced.

If your IT Band Syndrome doesn’t resolve between rest, cross training, ice and stretching, then it’s time to see a sports medicine physician. You have to eliminate the reason for developing the condition so it won’t come back. Otherwise, you could be facing a chronic IT Band Syndrome which will seriously limit the amount and kind of running you can do.


Runners World: ITBS

Competitor: How to Beat IT Band Syndrome

Active: How to Aggressively Treat IT Band Syndrome

Rice:Iliotibila Band Friction Syndrome

UPMC: IT Band Sydnrome

American Family PHysician: Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Sports Injury Clinic: Illiotibial Band Syndrome

MayoClinic: Knee Pain

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