Machines Or Free Weights – Part 1

machinesIt is the age old question that has strong advocates on both sides of the fence. Do you use free weights or do you use a weight machine? Which will give you the best results? Which one is best for you?

Actually, while advocates don’t usually acknowledge the disadvantages, both methods have both pros and cons to weightlifting. The real key is to figure out which of these methods will work best for you, your specific needs and individual goals.

Almost every gym has a section of resistance machines and free weights. And on each side of the room are strong advocates of the system they use. But these people also have different goals and are at different levels of their fitness program. Each method has it’s own pros and cons and only you can determine which is best for your program.



Can isolate one muscle or muscle group
Can be used without a spotter
Can be used without worrying too much about form
Really good for physical rehabilitation
Great for beginners and to get accustomed to lifting
Reduces stress on the spine and doesn’t require spinal stability
Better suited for circuit training


Usually have to go to a gym to use them
If you are shorter or taller than most people it can be difficult to fit the machine to your size
Fixed movement of the machine reduces the work of stabilizing muscles
Can increase risk of overuse injuries


SteadyStrength: Is it Better to use machines or free weights

MuscleMag: 5 Machines that are better muscle-builders than free weights

ACE Fitness: When strength training, is it better to use machines or free weight

Bet Contreras: Machines vs free weights

Military: Should I use free weights or machines

Universit of Illinois: Free Weight Vs Resistance Machines

MayoClinic: For weight training, is it better to use free weights or machine weights

Active: Strength Training: Free weights or machines

BuiltLean: Free weight vs machines

  • Bodyweight Burn
  • Equipment Free Workouts
  • Synchronized Diet
  • 21 Minutes Per Day

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