Matrix Weight Training – Part 2

download (14)In the Matrix System the muscles are used intensely through either a full or partial movement that makes the muscle inhibit the momentum during the up-phase and resist gravity during the down-phase. This is designed to overcome the neural adaptive effect when the muscles begin to anticipate what will happen next decreasing the muscle response.

Think of basketball players who practice the same shot, from the same place in the court, over and over again. They are training the neuromuscular fibers in their arms, core and legs to respond the same way each time, successfully making the basket. When a weight lifter lifts the same weight, the same way, each time they workout they are also training their muscles to anticipate what comes next.

Because the Matrix Weight Training System can be used without heavy weights it can safely be used with children under supervision, the elderly, during rehabilitation, with the obese or the unfit.

Both Dr. Ron Laura and Kathy Smith document that this type of weight training can build muscle, tone up the body, keep you in shape, develop strength and help you lose weight.

Using the Matrix Weight Training System gives no one an excuse for not being able to be in shape and use weights to improve their overall health.


Dr Ron Laura: Matrix In Detail

TNAtion: Matrix Training Experiment

John Hart Fitness: What is the Perfect Weight Training Program

Mercola: Kathy Smith’s Matrix Workout

  • Bags, Bells, and Body Weight Training System
  • Gains in Full Body Strength and Muscle
  • Increases in Stamina, All-Day Energy, and Vigor
  • Shredded Body Fat for a Lean and Athletic Physic
  • Improved Confidence, Mental Toughness, and Focus

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