More About The Ectomorph, Endomorph, Mesomorph – Part 3

images (5)Interestingly, while they do gain fat rather easily they also have the capacity to build muscle with very little effort as opposed to the ectomorph who doesn’t gain fat but has a difficult time gaining muscle. In order to stay in shape and avoid any weight gain individuals who are endomorph should be strict with their exercise regimen and nutritional intake.

The endomorph will respond well by eating smaller servings throughout the day and eliminating all junk food from the diet. Daily aerobic exercise such as walking, biking or swimming will help these individuals to increase their metabolism and decrease their weight gain. Most body building professionals recommend that an endomorph lift weights three times a week and do cardiovascular activities three times a week. Once they are down to their desired body fat they can then incorporate more weight training and less cardiovascular training.

Individuals who are endomorphs struggle more at endurance activities and are much more suited to high-intensity cardiovascular activities. They are more sensitive to carbohydrates and should focus on a low carbohydrate diet with high protein. Unfortunately, they are prone to carbohydrate cravings and should integrate a significant amount of fiber to slow digestion and minimize the impact of carbohydrates on the blood sugar.

These descriptions should help an individual determine a general body type but be aware that most individuals are a combination of two different body types. It isn’t uncommon to find you are a mesomorph but it is more common to find an individual who builds muscle like mesomorph but puts on weight like an endomorph.

By having this information and identifying the type of body that you might have you can optimize your diet and training to achieve the goals you desire. Even now it may take more persistence even an ectomorph can bulk up and gain muscle mass. It may be more difficult but it can be done.

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