Natural Remedies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

download (12)Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is an illness characterized by an excessive weariness that warrants an unusual need for sleep to feel better. However, even with this rest there is usually no relief. To be classified as such, one must have at least four of the following symptoms for a duration of six months:

Concentration or short-term memory that is impaired and has an effect of day-to-day activities
joint and/or muscle pain without any swelling or redness
a feeling of illness after normal exertion of the body
lymph node discomfort of the axilla and/or neck
nighttime perspiration
cloudiness of the brain
visual impairment
being short of breath
coughing that is chronic
alcohol, food, or chemical sensitivities
racing heart or palpitations
pain in mouth, jaws, or eyes

download (13)There is no known treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and often, more than not, treatment is geared toward the symptoms. Many people, usually after not being relieved by common treatment, seek out other means to combat their Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Some alternative forms of treatment are discussed below:

L-Carnitine: Found in almost every body cell lies carnitine. This moves the fatty acids along and into mitochondria. Mitochondria are the center of the each cell that produces needed energy. This is important in the fact that it lets the fatty acid change into energy. Decreased levels of carnitine appear in the bodies of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Ginseng: An Asian herb, Ginseng has been used for a great many years to encourage energy and fight the effects of fatigue.

NADH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide): This molecule that originates naturally in vitamin B3 has an effect in the production of cellular energy making.

Ayurveda: This is used to detoxify and improve digestion in the body. This approach has been used for over 5,000 years in India. This form of natural medicine bases itself on the theories of body balancing, diet, body cleansing, lifestyle and exercise, and of maintaining a healthy spirit and mind, as well as the body.

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone): This hormonal secretion originates from the adrenal glands, testes, and ovaries. This hormone is linked to effects on sleeping, mood, and memory. The hormonal level of DHEA is abnormal in the person suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Essential fatty acids: The use of these is effective in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by replacing what is removed in the body due to any viruses.

Coenzyme Q10: Also known as Co Q10, this is naturally found to be a compound in the body, in the mitochondria. ATP, a significant source of energy in the cells of the body. Coenzyme is needed to accomplish this task.

-4 He or she can best advise you as to an alternative approach in relieving the effects of this devastating illness.


MayoClinic: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

University of Maryland Medical Center: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Women to Women: Fatigue, Insomnia and Stress

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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