Natural Weight Loss – Part 1

download (2)A major health concern of people today is obesity. Two thirds of Americans are overweight and 15% of teenagers are as well. Obesity is a huge risk factor for life-threatening health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney problems, cardiovascular issues, stroke, cancer and gallstones.

People are turning to natural weight loss supplements to help them maintain a weight loss regimen and achieve a normal body mass index. Your body mass index is a number that measures your height in relationship to your weight and gives you a range of numbers in which ‘normal’ falls. Insurance companies and physicians use this number to determine if an individual falls into a range of body weight that places them at higher risk for developing certain diseases.

When starting a new program be sure to consult a doctor and be aware of any side effects as well as interactions with any other medication you may be taking or medical conditions you may have.

Natural weight loss programs can include the use of herbal supplements to raise the body’s metabolism, suppress the appetite and to add to the overall feeling of well-being.
People have been looking for a way to naturally lose weight for hundreds of years. But just because the word natural or herbal is included doesn’t guarantee the safety of the product.

When the media began focusing on healthier lifestyle choices, manufacturers began to add ‘all natural’ and ‘all herbal’ to their packaging. However those terms must meet FDA standards when they are used to label foods and medications. In other words a specific amount of the product must be all natural or herbal.

Some herbal supplements which can be used for weight loss are Aloe Vera which improves digestion by cleaning the digestive tract; Astralgus which provides a boost of energy and satisfies the cravings for sweets; Bee Pollen that stimulates metabolism and satisfies the urges for sweets; kelp that boosts metabolism and licorice that reduces the craving for sweets and regulates blood sugar.

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