Personality Testing – Part 2

imagesPersonality testing is also helpful for individuals who may not have thought deeply about the reasons behind their actions or reactions to situations. In other words, there very well may be underlying reasons why certain individuals become angry quicker than their peers and using personality testing can help individuals to become more aware of their characteristics and traits that are both working against them and for them.

For instance, by recognizing that planning for the future is not something you do easily, you can alter your behavior intentionally so that you put into effect plans that ensure a financially stable future.

Another reason personality testing is performed is to determine if someone may be suffering from a personality disorder. These are a set of traits that will negatively affect your life and your ability to be successful in your actions with others. They often have a wide range of causes and an even wider range of negative effects on lifestyle choices and results. (1)

images (2)Psychologists have identified ten broad categories of personality disorder that are the most common and have significant negative consequences. These personalty disorders include paranoid, schizoid, antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, avoidant, dependent and obsessive-compulsive.

However you choose to use personality testing for your own benefit you must be aware that the results are not always accurate and that only a trained psychologist who is experienced in testing can give a thorough evaluation. The results from online testing should only be used as a tool to give you insights into your own behaviors that may have a negative impact on your actions and your life.

Several online tests:

Big Five Personalty Test

Type T – Able to withstand downturn in economy

Acuity testing

Career Testing


(1) American Psychiatric Association: Personality Disorders

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