Pregnancy Acne – Part 1

images (1)Acne is a skin condition that is affected by your hormonal balance, and during pregnancy that balance is not balanced! Many women look forward to the healthy pregnancy glow when their skin has never looked better. But, a number of women will be plagued with flare ups of pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. Some women may see it as a trivial side effect of pregnancy, but others will be self-conscious. In a time of life when their entire appearance is changing over night, now their face has reverted back to their teen years.

During pregnancy your body secretes more hormones to support the developing baby. Some of those hormones include an increase in androgens, or male hormones. This increase in androgens is another trigger for the development of acne.

Women have several options to treat their acne during pregnancy, to reduce the outbreaks until their hormones balance out after delivery. Topical medications that may be successful include Glycolic acid and topical antibiotics such as erythromycin, clindamycin, azelaic acid and metronidazole. If topical antibiotics are not successful, or the acne gets worse, your physician may consider oral antibiotics. This is not the first line of defense against acne but there are 3 antibiotics that are Category B medications and are considered safe during pregnancy which are azithromycin, cephalexin and erythromycin.


American Academy of Dermatology: Acne can put a damper on hopes of glowing skin during pregnancy

American Pregnancy Association: Acne and Pregnancy

Sonia Dakar: 5 Tips to Clear Pregnancy Acne

MayoClinic: What’s the best way to treat pregnancy acne

What to Expect: Acne During Pregnancy

  • Acne No More System
  • Holistic clear skin system
  • Eliminate your acne within 8 weeks

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