Raw Cat Food – Part 1

download (54)Eating a raw food diet is not just for humans. The additional health benefits that we enjoy when we eliminate processed foods, hydrogenated oils and increase the amount of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds can also be experienced by our feline companions. Cats have been eating raw food for centuries. They have been in order to eliminate rodent population in barns and homes.

Owners who want to feed their cats raw food have several options available to them today. There are several different manufacturing companies which produce raw cat foods sold by veterinarians or in the refrigerator section of your favorite pet store. Unfortunately, because of the preservative process needed in order to maintain the vitamins and minerals available in the food, this process may be only slightly better than feeding dried food.

Making your own raw food is probably the best solution in order to keep your feline friends as healthy as possible. While it may take a slight amount of work and it’s definitely more work than stopping off at the pet store to pick up a bag of cat food, it is definitely a labor of love to keep your cat happy and healthy. The steps to making raw cat foods are simple.

Before beginning it is important to gather the necessary ingredients together. Most importantly it is essential to have all the supplements that will be added to the food process in place in the kitchen where they can be reached easily. If you choose to grind your own meats be sure to have the grinder out and the carcass available. It is however, simpler to use ground meats from the butcher shop at the grocery store. If you have more than one cat and buy the meats in bulk on a consistent basis you may also be able to strike a deal with the butcher for a reduced rate.

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