Reason to Use Protein Powders

proteinPeople interested in weight loss or muscle gain often turn to protein powders and protein supplements.  It might seem that these two goals are diametrically opposed from each other after all, the first group wants to lose weight and the second group wants to gain weight-albeit muscle weight.

Supplement manufacturers are now taking advantage of both groups of individuals and aiming their marketing in order to garner the best possible financial benefits.

One of the biggest mistakes that all of us makes is not paying specific attention to the nutritional needs of our bodies.  Bodybuilders are no different in that they don’t pay enough attention to the nutrition required in order to build muscle mass with the same desire and determination that they pay attention to their weight training program.  If neglected, results will only be a fraction of what they could be.

Nutrition builds muscle mass and is simply not a matter of eating more but eating differently.  Stuffing your face with the wrong kind of food will only help a weightlifter gain weight, but it will be fat.  But, the best nutritional supplement in order to gain muscle weight is not steroids or some new found amino acid but rather high quality protein.

There are several different types of proteins which include:

Whey proteins are the highest quality of available powdered proteins rich in BCAAs (branched chain amino acids).whey

Casein protein which is a slower digesting and rich source of protein that feeds the muscles long after whey proteins have dropped off.

Egg protein is made from pure egg white, fat-free and fast digesting while also rich in amino acids and glutamic acid.

Whey protein is fast digesting and made from non-animal sources which is ideal for individuals who are lactose intolerant or vegans.

Protein bars usually give approximately 20 to 40 g of protein with little carbs and fat while meal replacement products combine both protein, carbohydrates and fats to create a complete meal.

Most bodybuilders and coaches believe that whey protein is the best protein to be used for bodybuilding.  Combined with a solid weight training program and a high level of intensity, bodybuilders can eat up to six high protein meals every day which isn’t necessarily functionally possible.  This is where protein powders come into play.  They make it extremely easy and convenient to get enough high quality protein and consume enough calories without spending the day in the kitchen.

muscleProponents of using protein supplements for weight loss speaks to the increase in metabolism the individual will benefit from when increasing the protein intake.  The faster the metabolism is the less likely the body is to store food as fat.

And, because protein supplements are easy, and often are used as meal replacements, individuals who are trying to lose weight find it convenient as well as filling for in between meals or meal replacement.

Ingesting protein powders or higher amounts of protein per day will also promote lean muscle growth.  You won’t get muscle bound from drinking protein shakes unless you are also doing high intensity weightlifting, but muscles will definitely benefit from the increased amount of protein in the diets.  And, because whey protein contains high amounts of glutamine and BCAAs it enhances the body’s immune system as well as improved stamina and recovery from exercise.

The potential of using protein powder to either lose weight, or build muscle if you are a body builder, is a totally personal one.  Obviously, you don’t require protein powder in order to lose weight since many have lost weight over centuries without its use and you don’t require protein powder in order to do heavy amounts of weight training.  However, researchers and bodybuilders have both found that by incorporating protein supplementation into their daily nutritional intake may be able to optimize the amount of muscle building activity which occurs in their body while decreasing the amount of time it takes to make their meals.

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