Scalp Acne – Part 1

aceAcne can occur almost anywhere on the body, except the hands and feet because there are no follicles. Acne is triggered by an excess secretion of oil and dead skin cells which clog follicles. Oftentimes these clogged follicles are infected by skin bacteria. Although acne can occur anywhere there are follicles, when it happens on the scalp it can be more difficult to treat. However, the good news is that scalp acne is much less visible and therefore doesn’t trigger as much emotional distress.

Many people will experience an occasional pimple on the scalp. Without treatment, or picking, the pimple will disappear on its own. However, an occasional pimple is not the definition of having scalp acne. Breakouts of scalp acne include more than the occasional pimple which happens consistently inside the hairline.

These breakouts can be irritated by shampoo, brushing, scratching and blow drying. Moderate to severe scalp acne can also lead to greater amounts of skin flaking and a dandruff type appearance of white flakes. These pimples can also become contaminated or infected with other bacteria or microorganisms which cause ringworm or psoriasis.


Acne: Scalp Acne

Kari’s World: Scalp Acne Treatments

MayoClinic: Acne

AmericanAthleticInstitute: How to get rid of scalp acne

netDoctor: I have Acne Spots on my Scalp

International Journal of Trichology: Effective Treatment of Folliculitis Decalvans Using Selected Antimicrobial Agents




Reduce the appearance of unsightly scars from:

  • Acne
  • Burns
  • Cuts, gashes and bruises
  • Surgery

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