Side Effects From Bulimia Nervosa – Part 3

download (8)Both the physical side effects and long term effects of bulimia nervosa are serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly. This is a disease process that shouldn’t be taken lightly just because the sufferer appears to be of normal weight. This is a deceiving predicament since although the person may be carrying a near normal weight they also have a body starving from lack of nutrition.

And there are also emotional and psychological side effects of bulimia that result from lifestyle of binging and purging. Many feel socially isolated from leading an embarrassing secret life of pigging out and then purging with vomiting or laxatives. They are fearful of being found out, anxious, lonely, suffer from low-self-esteem and feelings of guilt, self-disgust and hopelessness over their situation over which they find no escape.

If you suspect that you or someone you love has a problem with bulimia you should seek the advice and counsel of a physician or counselor trained in dealing with eating disorders. There is help for this disorder and there is recovery when addressed with the help of a professional trained in the different methods of helping bulimics with their individual problems.


Go Ask Alice: Long-Term Effects of Bulimia

The Recovery Ranch: Long Term Health Effects of Bulimia

Bing Eating Solutions: Effects of Eating Disorders

Archives of General Psychiatry: A Prospective Study of Outcome in Bulimia Nervosa and the Long Term Effects of Three Psychological Treatments

Earth Clinic: Cure a Bulimic Disorder with Natural Remedies

  • Bodyweight Burn
  • Equipment Free Workouts
  • Synchronized Diet
  • 21 Minutes Per Day

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