Six Pack Abs At Home

workAchieving a set of six pack abs is the goal of many bodybuilders and fitness buffs. Whether it’s for bragging rights on the beach or to look great naked, six pack abs are achievable at home. You don’t need any special equipment, other than a chair and your own body weight. Of course you can invest in a swiss ball, a weighted ball and/or an ab roller, but they aren’t necessary. They just make the exercise routines a little more interesting to do at home.

To start, you’ll need more than exercise to give you a set of abs to make your friends jealous. You’ll need both the muscle development and the fat burning to remove the layer of subcutaneous fat to show those abs off.

A diet that is high in fat will actually increase the potential that your body will burn fat for energy and not resort to sugar. When you eat foods high in carbs your body will convert them to glucose. This triggers the release of insulin, which helps the body use the glucose for energy. However, it also causes the body to spare fat in burning energy and will increase the amount of fat your body stores for energy. To reduce this potential it’s important to give your body fat to burn. This will reduce your sugar spikes and increase your weight loss.

images (2)However, while one calorie is not equal to another type of calorie, it is also important to recognize that foods high in fat are also higher in calories. You will be able to eat more calories without gaining weight when your diet is higher in fats, but you can’t go overboard or you’ll gain weight instead.

Drink lots of water to flush out the toxins in your body from exercise and metabolism, and to keep your metabolism running smoothly.

The exercises that are most beneficial for building core muscles are NOT crunches and sit ups. In fact, these exercises will increase the potential for lower back injuries related to the increased stress placed on the lower back during crunches. These exercises also just work the abs and not the opposite muscles in the back which are needed to improve your posture and balance.

Instead, do the Plank – either on the floor or using a swiss stability ball for extra work on the balancing muscles. Start in the traditional push up position with your core and glutes engaged. Hold this position for 90 seconds, relax and repeat up to 6 times.

You can do the same exercise with your feet on the floor and your elbows on the swiss ball. The extra instability of the ball increases the work of your muscles in your core to maintain your position. Hold the position as long as possible using correct form.

Doing the plank in the side position will work your obliques harder and give your core a sleeker line. Lie on your side with your elbow under your shoulder, your upper foot on top of the lower foot. Lift up and hold your body in a straight line with your core and glutes tight. Hold for 90 seconds and relax. Repeat 5 times.


Bodybuilding: 6-Pack Abs Diet Strategy

Mens Health: The Ryan Reynolds Workout

Muscle & Fitness: The 4 Week Lean Muscle Diet

Muscle & Fitness: 7 Ab Workouts to Get A Shredded Six Pack

Mens Health: The 10 minute six pack workout

Mens Fitness: The Six Best Exercises for Six-Pack Abs

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