Skin Peels – Part 2

Depending upon the chemical peel being done, you may have several weeks of pre-peel skin care that will help to improve the results and reduce the potential for side effects. This planning and preparation time will help to thin the normal layer of dead skin cells that sit on top of the skin and help prepare the skin to accept the chemical peel.

The chemicals are left on the skin for a varying time period, depending upon the depth of the burn being achieved. The average time period is 10 to 30 minutes, and will also depend upon the strength of the chemical being used. As the chemicals are removed it takes the surface layer of skin and the remaining skin will often blister with a mid level peel.

A mild chemical peel will use alpha hydroxy acid or AHA in a variety of different concentrations. These are the peels that are used on sensitive skin because they don’t have the harsh side effects of some of the other types of chemicals. AHAs will hydrate the skin and can reduce the appearance of discolorations on the skin.

If you have deep pits then a one hour lunch time peel won’t do the trick. You’ll need a phenol or laser peel that will be painful and require at least 2 to 3 weeks of recovery, at home with your DVD player and a stack of movies. However, when healed, the right doctor can take years off your face and remove your acne scars and wrinkles.


Ohio State University: Pre & Post Safety Guidelines for chemical Peel Patients

American Academy of Facial Esthetics: The Beauty of Facial Esthetics

Dr. Mehmet Oz: What are the different types of skin peels

American Academy of Dermatology: Is a Chemical Peel the rgith Choice for You—d/chemical-peel/is-it-right-for-you

American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: Chemical Peels

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