Acne Prevention – Part 3

August 25, 2015 Admin 0

Sun is actually good for acne prevention but there are several things to remember. Most medication from the doctor and over the counter will make […]

Acne Prevention – Part 2

August 25, 2015 Admin 0

Instead substitute a diet high in green leafy vegetables, fruits and trace minerals to encourage acne prevention. Most people are deficient in magnesium and iodine […]

Acne Prevention – Part 1

August 25, 2015 Admin 0

Acne prevention is important to both teenagers and adults. Although acne is more common in teenagers who are just entering hormonal changes, adults can also […]

Acne Problems – Part 3

August 23, 2015 Admin 0

There are other more severe forms of acne that are rare but create great emotional hardship for the sufferer. Acne Conglobata is severe and causes […]