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Type of Arthritis – Part 2

August 16, 2015 Admin 0

The goal of treatment is to provide relief from pain, increased mobility in the joints and increased strain around the joints. Physicians may recommend medication, […]

Type of Arthritis – Part 1

August 16, 2015 Admin 0

There are actually over 100 different types of diseases and conditions which are classified as arthritic. The most common of these is Osteoarthritis which affects […]

Gout Treatment – Part 2

August 10, 2015 Admin 0

It is critical to stop the acute inflammation and address the long-term management. Initial treatments will involve medications to reduce inflammation and pain. Often times […]

Gout Symptoms – Part 2

August 9, 2015 Admin 0

During the flareup the joint will be red, swollen and very tender. Touching or moving the toe in any way will be intensely painful. In […]